Dark Chocolate Mint Tim Tam Truffles

Did you know that people eat dark chocolate on purpose? I’m sure you did. In fact, you are probably one of them. Why?

If you ever happen to run into me on the street, I’d be more than happy to show you my hoppy beer/dry wine/dark chocolate face. It’s not pretty, which is saying a lot considering how ridiculously good looking I am.

I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I take requests for friends’ birthdays. This month, the birthday boy mentioned his love of Tim Tams, which I have procured before but are not currently available around here.  Fortunately, my friend’s birthday coincided with workshops at my office, and a very generous client who was attending the workshops schlepped a few packages of Dark Chocolate Mint Tim Tam biscuits over from Australia.

Dark Chocolate Mint Tim Tam Truffles


– 2 pkgs Dark Chocolate Mint Tim Tam biscuits

– 8oz cream cheese, softened

– 1 pkg (12oz) dark chocolate chips

– 1/2T shortening


1. Pulverize biscuits in food processor.

2. Add cream cheese and blend until combined.

3. Scoop into 2t-sized balls and chill for 15 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, melt chocolate chips (sans about 3T of chips) with shortening in the microwave. Once the chocolate is melted, stir in the rest of the chips until they are fully melted. (This was my sketchy attempt at tempering the chocolate).

5. Coat the truffles in the dark chocolate and chill to set.

The next step is like a Choose Your Own Adventure book:

A. If you’re like me, take a small bite and make the hoppy beer/dry wine/dark chocolate face.

B. If you’re someone who likes dark chocolate, shove an entire truffle in your mouth and continue until sated.

Apparently these were really good, so pay no attention to that woman behind the recipe.

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