Danny McBride Said Salmonella Wouldn’t Stop Him From Eating Chipotle

We all know Danny McBride from his role on the HBO series Eastbound & Down, where he played the foul-mouthed, over-confident, and chauvinistic professional baseball player, Kenny Powers.
Now, co-starring in a new HBO series, Vice Principals with Walton Goggins, GQ spoke with McBride about his success and, “how to sellout the right way.” GQ also spoofed the concept of “sellouts” by dressing him and Goggins up as life-sized, degenerate versions of famous brand icons — like a creepy Ronald McDonald and a shady-looking Hamburglar. My Favorite is the McBride being transformed into the Wendy’s logo.
Considering his body of work, McBride seemed pretty down to earth. In the interview, he spoke candidly about his love for Game of Thrones and Chipotle Burrito Bowls. In fact, he seemed at least generally aware of Chipotle’s recent heath issues, but that didn’t even seem to phase him.
Here’s an excerpt from GQ’s interview with him. You can read the full article here.
GQ: Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark, Game Of Thrones) says Nando’s gives celebrities black cards if you mention them, and she was really trying to get free chicken. The only thing she had to promote was a chicken shop. (Not Game of Thrones, or the X-Men movie she was in.)
Could this be the first celebrity endorsement for Chipotle in the aftermath of their public fallout? If so, we can’t wait for the “Chipotle/Kenny Powers” national marketing campaign. That would actually be cool, he did play in Mexico.
Interestingly enough, he says he doesn’t see himself as much of a pitchman. You would think the HBO star’s success would merit sponsorship opportunities from every direction, but McBride admitted that branding wasn’t his strongest attribute.
GQ: As a celebrity, do you get tons of free swag?
“I don’t. Heineken sent me a beer keg one time. I don’t think a lot of brands want to be associated with me.”
Here’s some footage of the photoshoot GQ compiled, because an interview with the man who brought Kenny Powers to life isn’t complete without foul-language, alcohol and drug use. Needless to say, it’s NSFW, so watch it on your lunch break.