Women’s PGA Champ Celebrated By Eating Pho Out Of Her Trophy Like A Boss

This year’s Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) champion may have just won her first title, but she’s already out here flourishing with the epic celebrations.
After winning this year’s LPGA championship to clinch her first ever major and take home $525,000, 24-year-old American golfer Danielle Kang decided to celebrate in the most epic way possible. She filled the top part of her shiny new trophy with some pho and feasted out of her hard-earned prize. Danielle’s brother, Alex, later posted an epic shot of his sister slurping some noodles out of the trophy on Instagram.
This is definitely not the first time someone’s used a trophy to eat or drink, as there is a long tradition of celebrating the winning of the National Hockey League’s Stanley Cup by eating or drinking out of it. However, I don’t think anything could be more badass than Kang’s noodle pull shot out of that LPGA championship trophy.
Enjoy your pho, Danielle. You’ve definitely earned this awesome reward.