Disney World Just Opened A Magical Poutine Shop

We have to admit, we tend to get very hyped when Disney introduces awesome new foods. When that food happens to be an entire restaurant dedicated to poutine, however, we’re over the freakin’ moon.
Disney Food Blog recently went the opening of The Daily Poutine, an all-pontine restaurant at Walt Disney World. The main attraction of this eatery is, of course, the Canadian dish of fried potatoes, cheese curds and gravy.
Found in Disney Springs just outside Walt Disney World Resort, similar to our very own Downtown Disney, the poutinerie is one of four new additions to the area.
Here’s the menu:
The Daily Pountine features four different takes on dish of french fries (called frites), gravy and cheese. There’s the Classic, Latin, French and Italian variation of poutine.
Your typical poutine with regular gravy, cheese curds and fries.
The Latin variant features fried yucca, black beans, pulled pork and is topped with queso fresco.
The Daily Poutine’s version of Italian poutine features a heaping dose of Bolognese sauce and topped with mozzarella cheese.
Finally, the French poutine is made with a thick mushroom cream sauce and Gruyere cheese.
Any readers out in Florida, let us know how they taste!
H/t + Photos: Disney Food Blog