Cute Donutology Infographic Illustrates What Your Favorite Donut Says About You

Here’s the thing about Friday night internet content – even though you know it’ll probably be super-fluffy and yes, maybe even bad for you, for some reason, you just can’t stay away. (See what I did there?)

Earlier this week, we brought you “What Your Style of Eggs Says About You,” but in honor of National Donut Day, we’ve got something a little sweeter to lead you into the weekend: Donutology (donut + “astrology”). Yes, it’s corny. Yes, it’s completely unfounded, but it’s also harmless fun. At least, as long as you’re okay with twisting your neck around or remember to turn off your auto-rotate.

For those who aren’t or who don’t, here’s a quick primer: Jelly donutters melt at the sight of kittens. Coconuts can be a little flaky. And watch out for churro lovers, unless you want to find yourself eating a mouthful of double-dipper spit. Goodness knows how we should feel about cruller people. I mean, they’re not called “nicers.”

(Click to enlarge)



H/T + PicThx

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