Customer Tips Steak ‘N Shake Waitress $446 for $6 Meal
We’ve heard a lot of food-service horror stories this week (thanks, Amy’s Baking Company) but nothing restores our faith in humanity like random strangers dispensing large wads of cash to unsuspecting waitresses. We’re pretty sure that Indiana resident CeCe Bruce didn’t expect to make nearly five hundred dollars in one shift at her local Steak ‘N Shake, but after regular customer “Miss Jo” witnessed CeCe “having a hard time at another table,” she paid her $6 tab and left CeCe a $446 tip for good measure.
The Steak ‘N Shake manager wasn’t surprised to see CeCe’s pleasant attitude have such a high payout, saying that she “deserves it more than anybody” for coming in early and staying late while keeping her trademark smile firmly intact. CeCe says she plans to use the extra cash to pay off some bills (figures, since she’s also a part-time student) but pretty much everyone involved in the incident can take some warm and fuzzies to the bank.
H/T + PicThx HuffPo