Cup Noodles Just Dropped A Bunch Of Merch You’ll Want To Cop ASAP

Instant ramen, including Top Ramen and Cup Noodles, is the food that got us through childhood, college, bachelor life, you name it. When the going got tough, it was there for us. And now, there’s a whole online shop of Cup Noodles merch for us to rep your favorite instant comfort.
Photo courtesy of Cup Noodles
The new Nissin fan store website just launched with a lineup of branded swag, including shirts, hats, and other gear that you can rep. Items range from a $4 variety pack of a stickers to a $500 “Send Noods” neon sign and a whole bunch of stuff in between.
Photo courtesy of Cup Noodles
For those looking for some Halloween costume ideas, there are options in the shop as well that let you or your dog dress up as a bowl of noodles.
All of the gear is limited edition, so if you want to cop it, you should head to the online store sooner rather than later. As of publication time, though, nothing has sold out just yet.