Cup-A-Cake Cupcake Holder
If you’re a cupcake aficionado, you know how hard it is to carry a single cupcake around without causing a mess. In the case a cupcake’s life cycle, it’s one of those rarities in the foodie spectrum that needs to stay upright from baking to consumption, so how can you just throw your cute cupcake into your backpack without everything falling apart? Oh, that’s right, a Cupcake Holder. This badboy stays closed and uses six interior prongs to hold the cupcake in place so it comes out looking as sexy as it did going in (unless it looked terrible going in, if so, you’re up shit’s creak without a paddle).
The unit measures 3.5″ x 3.5″ x 3.5″ and is one of the most ridiculous pieces of tupperware I’ve ever laid my eyes on. ($6 @ FredFlare)