Crushed Peppermint Ice Cream Sandwiches Are Cooler Than Ice Cold

What’s cooler than cool? Ice cold!
(Sorry, we couldn’t help it. We swear!)
So bring it on — what’s cool? Ice cream. What’s even cooler? Ice cream cookie sandwiches. And even cooler than that? Ice cream sandwiches rolled in crushed peppermint candy coating — Peppermint Ice Cream Sandwiches.
It might sound counterintuitive, but somehow, the chilly, absolutely-minty goodness of these cookies are perfect for the just-as-nippy weather outside.
Focus in on this: creamy vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two rich, homemade chocolate cookie layers, with just a hint of mint from the crushed peppermint candy (we suggest those round after-dinner peppermints or, if you want to get even more festive, your favorite stash of candy canes.) Ahhh… heavenly.
Extra holiday points if you decide to use these brilliant winter-themed cookie cutters.
Find the full recipe from Aggie’s Kitchen here (originally adapted from Cooking Light.)
via Aggie’s Kitchen