Crowd-Sourced Room of Food Photography Shot With Smartphones

The latest reveal about our March 3rd art exhibition FOODSCAPE is an entire room dedicated to food photography taken with smart phones — THE #FOODBEAST ROOM.
In addition to the main room with the hand curated art pieces, FOODSCAPE: food + art, we wanted to decorate an entire room with beautiful pictures of food everyone takes on a daily basis. This gives everyone a chance to be involved and “be displayed.”
To get involved and put your hot food pictures up for possibly being hung at the show, simply take a picture of your food with whatever Internet-enabled phone you have, whatever software you want to use to edit it, and TWEET at us using the following hash tags:
@coolguyORgirl: My awesome, greasy, pizza slice picture! #FOODBEAST #FOODSCAPE
The artwork will hang through the month of March, with the grand opening on the March 3rd. Entry will be free, with plenty of goodies, good food, good drink, good art and good times to be had. Tell your friends. Or better yet, just Tweet your food photos!
Anything food-related goes. Pictures of your food, pictures of you and your friends eating food, sipping drink, your favorite restaurants…get creative!