What This Artist Created on Ceramic Plates Will Give Your Mouth Nightmares

Some people get nervous about eating unusual foods, but it’s not often anyone gets creeped out by their dinnerware. Israeli ceramicist Ronit Baranga creates the kind of work which can elicit exactly that reaction. Her works feature open mouths and grasping fingers jutting out of classic plates, tea cups and platters. It’s enough to make anyone think twice.
“I chose to deal with ‘mouth’ as a metaphoric connotation to a border gate,” she told Vision Magazine. “A border between the inner body and the external environment surrounding it. The mouth allows physical entrance and conceptual exit.”
Her other ceramic work is equally provocative and unsettling, and features further remixes of the human form. Explore her work in more depth on her personal site.
Written by VisualNew‘s Benjamin Starr