12 Crazy Fair Foods You Need To Eat Right Now

Fair season is finally here. As we all know, you don’t visit the fair to eat healthy. In fact, it seems like fair foods are getting crazier every year.
With quite a few fairs starting up again this summer, we did a round up of some of the most insane fair foods we’ve seen so far. Whether deep fried, alcoholic, candy-stuffed, or on a stick, its not fair food if you don’t get heartburn.
Think of it as our fair foods’ greatest hits.
Fireball Whiskey Banana Donut
Breakfast On A Stick
Chicken and Waffle Cone
Starbucks Coffee Deep Fried
Deep-Fried Slim Fast Bar
Jello Salad Ice Cream
Pop Rocks Sprinkled Donut
Chicken-Fried Bacon
ivane.m/SD Fair
Deep-Fried Kool Aid
SD Fair