Cotton Candy Cake Balls

Forget making the trek to the ballpark (LAME!) or county fair to get your cotton candy fix because I am bringing it to you with these super sugary, super sweet and super awesome cake balls!

These were so friggin’ good that, regardless of their shape, I couldn’t not post the recipe right away. Maybe I should consider changing the name of my blog to Ball-Shaped and Chocolate Covered Treats with Some Other Good Stuff Thrown In.  I have grand plans to share something shaped like a square next week.

Anyroundthings…I was inspired by the Cake Mix Doctor’s Cotton Candy Cupcakes. I used her base cake recipe and pulled together the frosting from a number of different sources, switching up a few ingredients and, of course, the directions.

Cotton Candy Cake Balls


– 1box plain white cake mix
– 3 egg whites
– 1/4c water
– 1/4c oil
– 12oz Cotton Candy flavored yogurt (yes, it exists)
– red and blue food coloring
– 3 oz Cotton Candy, divided (equal parts pink and blue)
– 1 stick of butter, softened
– 3 to 4c powdered sugar, sifted
– 2 to 3T milk
– 1t vanilla, optional
– white chocolate baking bark


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9×13 baking pan.
2. Mix together the first 5 ingredients (cake mix to yogurt) in electric mixer on low for 30 seconds until combined. Then mix on medium for 2 minutes.
3. While that’s happening, if you feel so inclined, add some food coloring. (The yogurt is both pink and blue, and I used a mixture of pink and blue cotton candy).
4. Pour the cake mix into the greased pan and bake for 32 to 38 minutes.
5. Once the cake is completely cool, crumble it up into a big bowl.
6. Cream softened butter, powdered sugar and milk together until fluffy (add milk/p sugar as needed to get a consistency you are happy with),
7. Break up 2 oz of cotton candy and add into frosting. Mix until combined.
8. At this point, taste the frosting, if you like it, keep it that way. If you think it needs some added flavoring, add the vanilla.
9. Add the frosting to the cake crumbs and mix until combined and moooooshy.
10. Break up the remaining 1 oz of cotton candy and fold it into the cake/frosting mixture.
11. Scoop (using your handy-dandy 2t cookie scoop) cake mixture into balls and freeze to solidify.
12. Meanwhile, melt your baking bark.
13. Coat the balls and stick them back in the freezer to set.

The original cake recipe called for blueberry yogurt and just blue cotton candy, but I wasn’t feeling the blueberry. If I was going to make cotton candy cake balls, they were going to taste like cotton candy.

I’m glad I let myself ruminate over it a bit because it took at day or so for my memory to catch up and exclaim “Holy crap! There is so such a thing as cotton candy yogurt!” So to the grocery store I went, which had not only cotton candy yogurt but tubs and tubs of cotton candy! And there was much rejoicing.

For more treats that your dentist will hate you for eating, visit The Cereal Baker.

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