Cookies & Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip Mochi Ice Cream Finally Available in the U.S.

Last September, we griped about yet another Japanese-exclusive treat we desperately wished we could wrap our tastebuds around: Cookies and Cream ice cream mochi. Well folks, it seems the food industry gods have actually answered our prayers. Grocery store brand Mikawaya has just announced a line-up of five new flavors of mochi ice cream, including Black Sesame, Matcha Green Tea, Plum Wine, Mint Chocolate Chip, and yes, Cookies & *freaking* Cream.
Available in stores like Trader Joe’s and Albertson’s, the Mikawaya line now features 12 flavors of the starchy, sticky Japanese treat, available in packs of six in the freezer section.
“Cookies and Cream, and Mint Chip are two of the top six flavors worldwide,” Mikawaya’s President Joel Friedman said in a press release, “And given the truly authentic traditional Asian nature of Plum Wine, Matcha Green Tea and Black Sesame, we felt they were perfect additions to our lineup.”
The Mikawaya online store doesn’t seem to be updated just yet, but when it is, online customers can also download a coupon for .75 cents off and receive a free Mikawaya mochi t-shirt with purchase.