Cook the Very Pages You Just Read, the World’s First Edible Cookbook

German design agency Korefe has created the first cookbook that you can read, cook, and eat. The cookbook is made of 100% fresh pasta and gives you the recipe on how to make a classic lasagna at the same time. It’s a great creation, because the cookbook plays an essential part as one of the main ingredients in making the Italian dish — the pasta pages are used as sheets.
Here’s a big step in the opposite direction to those who fear the publishing industry is losing its foothold to the digital revolution. Try to find an edible book on your iPad or Kindle. That’s creativity that can save the world. Or at least be a fun night with your jaded girlfriend. OK, so it’s not that big a step for the publishing industry…arguably, it has very little to do with it.
But can you blame me for trying to make a connection? Unfortunately, it’s not available in supermarkets or bookstores. The Edible Cookbook is a special edition product from German Publishing House Gerstenberg.
[Via Gizmodo and DesignTaxi]