Conan Tries Really Really Hard To Score Free Guinness (We Don’t Blame Him)

The only thing better than free food? Free booze.

Take any mundane event — an annoying relative’s wedding, your coworker’s baby shower, or even the dreaded high school reunion — and add the presence of flowing liquor. BOOM. Good times guaranteed.

Which is why it’s not surprising that Conan O’Brien — though he may very well be able to afford unlimited amounts of alcohol — is so keen on scoring some free beer during his visit to the Dublin Guinness Brewery.

Sure, he may be in the middle of taping an important segment in the middle of his ancestors’ homeland, but it’s a BREWERY for chrissakes. Enough with learning about hops and yeast and how the deliciously boozy stuff is made… where da beer at? We’re pretty sure that his Irish relatives would have said the same exact thing.

Watch the video below to see the hilarious lengths the comedian goes to… all in order to get his buzz on.

via TeamCoco

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