Watch What Happens To A Tooth When Left Inside A Coke Bottle For A Week

We’ve all heard the old adage, soda rots your teeth. Have you ever wondered if there was actual truth to that? YouTuber DaveHax gets to the bottom of this with a simple experiment.
Using his six-year-old nephew’s recently lost tooth, he dropped it into a bottle of Classic Coca Cola for a few days just to see what would happen. After the third day, he noticed there was some discoloring and decided to leave the tooth inside for full week.
After carefully straining the bottle, Dave notices that the tooth has gone from pearly white to dark brown/black with noticeable corrosion and a layer of gunk outside. The roots of the tooth, which was initially thinner, had now become flexible and came apart with even the slightest of pressure.
Overall, the tooth was completely stained and devoid of any white. Dave decided to refill the bottle and leave it for another 24 days, completing a month-long cycle inside the soda. He says he’ll post another update after the month comes to a close.
Definitely going to take a break from sodas for a while after viewing this. Remember kids, always brush your teeth.