Coffitivity’s Coffee Shop Ambience App Boosts Productivity By Pretending You’re at Starbucks


Maintaining productivity at work can prove to be quite the challenge, especially when we’re too busy learning how Coca Cola is a great toilet cleaner on a Friday afternoon. Although distractions are everywhere, though, Coffitivity is here to solve all our unproductive woes.

The recently-developed website has a simple concept: open Coffitivity, and it plays noises that make it feel as though you’re working in a coffee shop. The murmuring conversations, plates clinking — it’s all there! But the cool part is that it’s actually calming. In fact, the whole idea is backed by research that suggests “the mix of calm and commotion in an environment just like a coffee house is proven to be just what you need to get those creative juices flowing.”

Here’s an added bonus: listening to Coffitivity will also make you feel like one of those really cool coffee house dwellers, even if you’re stuck in a padded cubicle.

H/T Laughing Squid + Picthx Coffitivity

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