You Can Now Find Coca-Cola Coffee Inside Of Japanese Vending Machines

While the possibility of blending Coca-Cola with coffee has always been around, actual Coca-Cola coffee didn’t exist until now.
コークご乱心!? コーラにコーヒーはアリなのか、自販機限定『コカ・コーラ COFFEE PLUS』を飲んで確認!
— 【公式】リュールブ 最安値ショップ (@ryuurubusaiyasu) September 13, 2017
Kotaku reports that the new drink goes by Coca-Cola Coffee Plus and is only available in Japanese vending machines. Although Japan is no stranger to unexpected vending machine items, this is truly a unique and intriguing find. It’s a little pricey at about 130 yen (or $1.20 US) per can. However, it only adds 42 calories to your diet and contains just 34 mg of caffeine per 190 mL can. Thus, you’re getting a low-calorie pick me up that won’t leave you buzzing all day long, which is a plus.
However, the flavor profile of this new drink has come into question. So far, the coffee-soda blend has received mixed reviews. Local site Shin-Souhin describes the aroma as “odd,” and didn’t really care for the taste. Despite that, another Japanese site, ASCII Gourmet, apparently enjoyed its flavor.
There’s no telling if this is coming to the United States as of right now. That being said, we would definitely love to try Coca-Cola’s coffee out, but it does seem like something we can easily hack at home. Nonetheless, we’re curious as to what the soda company’s own version of this blend tastes like, and would love to snag some for ourselves.