Cinnabon Launches Frozen Breakfast Line Including Chicken Biscuit

When I think of Cinnabon, I think of those mall food stalls that deliver a euphoric dose of cinnamon butter smell particles as I walk past on my way to the movies. While movies aren’t happening any time soon, Cinnabon is hard at work expanding their offerings past concession stands and straight onto your breakfast table.
The brand just announced its first-ever line of frozen breakfast items that cover both the sweet and savory sides of everyone’s favorite meal.

Six new items are set to drop simultaneously, each with Cinnabon’s own signature style of flavor: Caramel Pecan Ooey-Gooey Rolls, Frosting Filled CinnaPastry, Frosted CinnaSweet Swirls, CinnaBiscuit Chicken Sandwich, Jalapeno Cheddar Sausage Bites, and CheddarRoll Sausage & Egg Sandwich.
The new breakfast line is now available nationwide in the breakfast aisle of your local grocer’s frozen food section. I wonder if I can piece them all together and form some kind of Cinnabon breakfast Megazord.
Probably shouldn’t.