Cinnabon Paid Tribute To Carrie Fisher And Pissed Off The Internet

Princess Leia’s hair buns are iconic and have often been compared to cinnamon rolls. It’s an old, tired joke, but Cinnabon tried to bring it back to relevance after the princess herself, Carrie Fisher, tragically died Tuesday.
In their own version of a Twitter tribute, Cinnabon posted an artistic cinnamon portrait of Princess Leia, with a Cinnabon bun, and a caption reading, “RIP Carrie Fisher, you’ll always have the best buns in the galaxy.”
Not exactly the most inflammatory thing they could have done, but fans of the actress found it to be insensitive, and what happened next can be perfectly explained by this scene in Friends:
Yeah, people immediately attacked the tweet, not appreciating Cinnabon’s attempt at showing Fisher love.
.@Cinnabon Someone on your social media team should have had a bad feeling about this.
— nascarcasm (@nascarcasm) December 27, 2016
WTF cinnabon
— Mac Faulkner (@macfaulkner) December 27, 2016
@Cinnabon Seriously? Show some respect…
— Frozen Fops (@TJWeaselton) December 27, 2016
After the backlash, Cinnabon quickly deleted the tweet and apologized for it. Then, because you can never please everyone, Cinnabon got attacked for deleting it and giving in to the negative response.
@Cinnabon You should have posted it. You have to defend your brand against the faceless idiocy of the internet, but she would have loved it.
— Kevin McGrath (@Antiproton) December 28, 2016
Those of you faking outrage about this Cinnabon tribute to carrie, sod off.
She would have loved it. She had the sense of humor you lack.
— Boogie2988 (@Boogie2988) December 28, 2016
@Cinnabon I thought the Princess Leia post was a darling tribute. Forget the trolls, enjoy the rolls. Put it back up!
— Lily Dashwood (@DashwoodLily) December 28, 2016
The moral of the story: Everyone’s a hater, and 2016 is still the worst.