Chris Jericho Talks Wrestling Secrets While Enduring A Hot Wing Challenge [WATCH]

WWE legend Chris Jericho is a larger than life wrestler who has taken on some of the biggest men in the world, but even after taking thousands of body slams and choke holds, the most painful experience of his life might have just occurred during this episode of First We Feast’s Hot Ones Challenge.
The “Ayatollah of Rock & Rolla” said he’s pretty terrible with spicy food, and playfully threatened to fire his agent for putting him a hot wing challenge. He actually cleared the board, though, eating every single wing and giving awesome wrestling insights, including real-life altercations with some big bad wrestlers.
While he got through all 10 wings, with each one hotter than the last he was visibly bothered by the heat, spitting into a trashcan every few minutes. The spitting seemed to be a coping mechanism for the 3-time World Heavyweight champion.
He even managed to put “Da’ Bomb” hot sauce his infamous “List,” which has become part of Jericho’s in-ring character over the last couple of years.
Jericho has always been regarded one of the toughest guys in the business, never backing down from a fight, and never showing fear, so it should come as no surprise that he got through the Hot Ones challenge, even if it was destroying him inside.