Chocolate Chilli Mustard

Combining three seemingly unrelated ingredients into one sauce, Chocolate Chilli Mustard utilizes the ingredients listed in the title to create one ridiculous spread. Suggested as a marinade for chicken or game, but also equally usable as a dip, sandwich spread or for dolloping on your roast during dinner time. But chocolate? I might have to be sold on this one…

The spread is made from Belgian chocolate, with the recipe apparently originating from Central America. The unit weighs 6.3 ounces and measures approximately 6.2 cm in diameter and 9 cm high.

If you’re not up for spreading this sauce on your sandwich, or using it in your marinades, I’m guessing the flavor might surprise you if dipped with some apple slices, maybe some pretzels or even carrots. But who are we to tell you how to use it? (£5.99 @ FireBox / Thx IncredibleThings)

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