Chipotle is Fattist
The idea of certain restaurants being “fattist” has been somewhat of a re-occurring dialogue amongst us here at Foodbeast. A few hours ago, I had the pleasure of hearing from my friend Eric Huang on the topic, and he explained to me that a Chipotle restaurant that he frequents in Northern California is indeed, “fattist”. If you don’t understand yet, don’t fret, let me explain:
The idea of a certain individual or restaurant being “fattist” means that they change their portion size according to the customer situation at hand. For example, a group of two buddies entered a Chipotle, one of them was much larger than the other buddy. They both ordered the exact same burrito, exact same ingredients, from the same employee. You may make the argument that we are being extremely over critical, but maybe someone can clarify the above picture, in which the burrito on the left is bursting its foil condom at the seams, while the one on the right seems to be dwarfed by comparison. Eric told me that the employee was “fattist”, simply assuming that the larger individual needed a larger burrito, and that the customer on the opposite end of the spectrum had no interest in a larger burrito.
Many great historical individuals have stood up against the disasterous elements of hate, prejudice and the protection of equal rights. Arguably, this may be trivial in comparison to the struggles of race and gender that have preceeded us, but it would be simply unjust to allow this topic to get swept under the rug. Eat on Foodbeasts. Eat on.