Angry Mother Gets The Ball Rolling With First Chipotle Norovirus Lawsuit

Earlier this month, Boston became ground zero for a massive norovirus outbreak originating from a Chipotle near the campus of Boston University. With about 150 cases reported, the first lawsuit is underway.
The mother of a 16-year-old kid who ate a burrito and caught the norovirus sued the chain for damages her son suffered through, the Globe reports.
Currently, their attorney Bill Marler has represented a fair amount of Chipotle customer lawsuits. His credentials include those who got sick recently from the E. coli outbreak in the West Coast.
Marler spoke to the Globe and told them he’s also been speaking with students from Boston College who also got sick from Chipotle.
The restaurant was inspected by Health officials and was cited for three major violations which included failure to cook chicken and beef at the proper temperature and an employee being sick while on the job.
Currently, the restaurant location remains closed.