Chili’s Twitter Will Give Legitimate Answers To Your Life Questions

Chili’s is known for its baby back ribs and burgers, but one thing you probably didn’t know you can get from the fast-casual restaurant is solid answers to life’s questions.
The restaurant made that evident on Wednesday, as Chili’s Twitter effectively responded to a ranting customer.
Twitter user @subtlebutler, out of Austin, TX went on a tirade about how we don’t ask each other enough questions, and rely on forums too much. His frame of logic was that it’s a lot more effective to ask the people around you for help with questions instead of having to wait for some rando to answer your question on Yahoo or Quora. In the midst of listing all the better options that you can turn to for answers, he said “… or chilis (sic). Sometimes @chilis knows.”
Someone who was following @subtlebutler’s rant, followed up by saying, “I really want to know what questions you have for Chili’s,” so the Texan complied and tweeted out, “My co-pay at my primary care doc is supposed to be $0 but then I always get charged more money later even for regular checkups. WHY CHILIS.”
Without skipping a beat, Chili’s Twitter found its way to this Tweet and actually answered it with:
If your deductible hasn’t been met, your copay is how much it costs to simply leave your doctor’s office. They can charge way more later.
— Chili’s Grill & Bar (@Chilis) September 21, 2017
The internet was stunned by this answer, whether true or not. All of a sudden, Chili’s Twitter account became the answer to life’s torturous problems. Where Wendy’s took on the Twitter persona of being a smart-ass that will roast you, Chili’s went the other way and was actually trying to be helpful.
Twitter users flocked to the thread and started asking their own questions, almost as if they’d spotted the Virgin Mary on a piece of toast, and had to get in on the action:
Chili’s why is my love life so hopelessly bad
— Sensitive Dughaloth (@Willowpudge27) September 21, 2017
Chili’s can’t possibly solve your love life, can it?
It’s not as bad as it seems. While at times life can feel overwhelming, there’s always more good than bad. You simply have to look for it.
— Chili’s Grill & Bar (@Chilis) September 21, 2017
Then things started getting way too deep
Chili’s should I take out a 2nd mortgage on my house to pay for grad school? Or stick w/ my job I’m unhappy at?
— Barret (@_barretme) September 21, 2017
But Chili’s still managed to give some solid advice.
We can’t tell you whether or not to do that. But we can urge you to take a look at your life and figure out what matters most to you.
— Chili’s Grill & Bar (@Chilis) September 21, 2017
In the end, this guy probably put this whole situation in the right perspective:
I must be on acid
— Lenny Bruce (@LennyBrucefosho) September 21, 2017