Chili’s Just Lifted Pam Halpert’s Lifetime Ban And Won The Internet

In the first episode for season 2 of the beloved TV show “The Office,” a famed fictional character who worked for Dunder Mifflin Paper Company was banned from Chili’s Grill & Bar for getting a little too drunk during an awards ceremony.
Today, Chili’s has officially welcomed Pam Beesly Halpert back into its restaurants.
This ban was lifted following a tweet from Halpert’s alter ego (actress), Jenna Fischer, which showed her outside of a Chili’s restaurant, asking if she should go inside.
Should I try to go in?
— Jenna Fischer (@jennafischer) February 6, 2017
After the tweet went viral, obviously from fans hoping to get Pam back into the restaurant (or just missing the good old days of ‘The Office’), Chili’s decided to do the noble thing and lift their ban in an official press statement:
“Effective immediately, Chili’s Grill & Bar has removed the longstanding ban on a Scranton, Pennsylvania woman who allegedly caused a disturbance during a company awards party held at a Chili’s near the Pennsylvania town of Scranton. […] “After reviewing the good conduct of Pam, I have decided to lift the now 11-year ban,” said Kelli Valade, President of Chili’s. “Pam is an inspiration to many and we welcome her with open arms.”
Of course, Chili’s has won the internet over with this awesome commitment to fans of “The Office,” and we’re all happy that Pam can finally go back in to mooch drinks off of other people.
That’s actually what Jenna Fischer was thinking, as well.
OMG! Second drink!!!
— Jenna Fischer (@jennafischer) February 7, 2017
Just take it easy in there, Pam, we don’t want to see you get thrown out again. Although that would make for a great encore episode.