
Cheesy Poof Crusted Chicken Strips, Because This is America

What do you do when you have a pantry full of Roasted Pistachios, Corn, Bean and Roasted Pepper Salsa, a package of Buffalo-Style Blue Cheese Dip Mix, a bag of Blue Corn Tortilla chips, Cheddar Cheese Balls, and skinless chicken breast strips?

Well if your mind works like our friend Nick's does, you turn them into a Cheesy Poof Crusted Chicken Strips. Utilizing boneless chicken strips in flour, and then an egg and milk batter, then topped with crushed up cheese balls, these strips baked in the oven at 375 degrees for 25 minutes and were ready to grub.

I know Nick didn't use "Cheesy Poofs" in his recipe, but I'm a South Park fan, and think Cheesy Poofs are a great way to depict the type of consistency that "cheese balls" maintain. Eat on:
