Cheerios to Target Even More Silly Grown-Ups with New Cheerios Protein

In today’s edition of dated brands fighting to remain commercially relevant, Cheerios hopes to recapture the growing health-conscious adult market with two new protein-boosted cereals.
Available in Cheerios Protein Oats & Honey and Cheerios Protein Cinnamon Almond, new Cheetos Protein combine Cheerio O’s with oat granola and honey and almond granola and cinnamon, respectively. Each also contains 11 grams of protein before milk, or 7 grams more than regular Cheerios.
“Parents are looking for breakfast options that not only provide long-lasting energy, but also something their entire family will enjoy at times that are right for them,” said Cheerios senior marketing manager Matt McQuinn in a press release.
Of course, the Wall Street Journal notes that most meat-eating Americans eat more than the daily recommended amount of protein anyhow, but hey, if you can get the horse to drink.