These CEOs Agree That Everyone Should Work At McDonald’s At Least Once

What was your first job?

Many people got their start working at burger chains like McDonald’s. Flipping burgers, cooking fries, taking orders. It never seemed like the most appealing job, but it made money and helped you get started in the long run.

Turns out, it may have taught you a lot more than just that. At least, a few CEOs and other success stories seem to think so.

These CEOs, like many of us, got their start working at McDonald’s, and attribute it as an integral part of their success. Executives like Taylor Morrison’s CEO Sheryl Palmer and Jeff Bezos from Amazon both encourage people to work at McDonald’s, as one can pick up on crucial things you won’t learn inside the classroom.

Palmer told the New York Times that after starting at a McDonald’s at age 15 and becoming a regional marketing manager for the fast food giant by age 20, she learned “a lot of life lessons on the job.”

“Every 16-year-old should have to work at McDonald’s, because you really do learn how to work. You have to pull back the equipment and sweep behind. There are no shortcuts. You had to do it right because it was such a part of their brand.”

Jeff Bezos agrees on the value of working at a place like McDonald’s, according to an excerpt from a book about the success stories of famous people that began their work at McDonald’s.

“You learn a lot as a teenager working at McDonald’s. It’s different from what you learn in school. Don’t underestimate the value of that!”

If you want to get inspired by many of the other success stories of those who worked at McDonald’s, the book, titled “Golden Opportunity: Remarkable Careers That Began at McDonald’s,” is available at places like Barnes & Noble.

Give it a read, and maybe you’ll be inspired by the many people who, like you, began their careers in fast food. Not just the CEOs above, but also people like world-famous comedian Jay Leno. They bring across the message that working at a McDonald’s is the place to learn the keys to success in any career you choose.

And who knows? Maybe you’ll be the next big success story who began at McDonald’s or other fast food places.

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