Check Out These Cat-Shaped Pastries Right Meow

I don’t think we have to do much to convince you to look at anything cat-related. These kitty-shaped treats were made by Bored Panda user CarolineLaura and will pretty much melt your heart. The cats were made with modeling chocolate and are shown crawling up, over and through different foods like pancakes, eclairs and donuts.
The user’s biography links to a Japanese site that says the food creations are a family effort between parents Charles and Caroline Ingalls, and daughter Laura, suspiciously all named similarly to the family from ’70s TV show Little House on the Prairie.
Regardless of the sketchy family name that they probably thought millennials would never catch, these cat sweets are still cute:
Bundled-Up Candy Cat Clan
Mini Pancake Cats
Lazy Cat Donut
Candy Cats Invading Your Fork
Lazy KittEclairs
Coffee and a Kitty
Pancake-Trapped Kitty
Cat Family Shortcake