Carl's Jr. (Anaheim): Charbroiled Steak Sandwich

This morning during our daily mail call, we got yet another package from our friends at Carl’s Jr. All I can say is these guys are on par with the best of them when it comes to marketing. In our package was safely bundled our tickets to their juicy new Charbroiled Steak Sandwiches and a letter clipped with a memorable, wearable tie! At first, I thought, “the hell?!” Then it clicked, these guys were pushing their new product to be “How guys do fancy“. It worked out perfect, because today’s day workload was rather long and tedious, unshaven and tired…so I grabbed Andrew and headed out to our favorite Anaheim location to try out their new sandwich. More adventure after the jump!

This particular Carl’s Jr. is one of our favorite spots to eat it, so it was with a heavy heart that our impending workload forced us through the drive-thru today. Here’s Andrew explaining what he wants, seemingly dejected that Protein Drinks have yet to be added to Carl’s Jr.’s menu.

And above is the tie I spoke of. Pretty interesting.

Have you ever driven home hungry, with food in the car? It’s ridiculous. It’s like sex…actually it’s like foreplay. Regardless, it’s a more bitter than sweet experience.

Finally! Don’t you love it when your sandwich actually looks like the pictures? Doesn’t happen everyday, enjoy!

What are you waiting for, go eat! Stay hungry!

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