Cap’n Crunch Rings In 60 Years With New Uniform

For 60 years, Cap’n Crunch has worn his uniform as a jacket featuring sleeves with three stripes instead of a true captain’s jacket which boasts sleeves with four stripes. Now, to celebrate the Captain’s 60th year, the brand is giving him a fresh look with, you guessed it, four stripes.
Given Cap’n Crunch’s iconic status, the brand debuted his refreshed look where the biggest pop culture announcements are made: San Diego Comic-Con.
As a nod to his 60th birthday this year, 60 of Cap’n’s cosplaying Crunchmates appeared dressed like none other than the Cap’n himself — four stripes and all. He can finally ditch that commander jacket.

“With the celebration of Cap’n Crunch’s 60th birthday this year, we thought it was only fitting to commemorate his epic 60 years of tasty adventures with a fresh new look,” says Kristin Kroepfl, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Quaker Foods North America at PepsiCo. “What better way to unveil the beloved Cap’n Crunch’s new four-striped look than with his cosplaying Crunchmates around one of the most iconic pop culture events of the year?!”
The four-striped uniform will be featured on the latest Cap’n Crunch Cereal Boxes, Treat Bars, and more, rolling out in stores nationwide now.