This Sweet Interactive Map Lists The Top Christmas Candy In Each State

We’re about a week into December and we already feel the holiday spirit knocking on our sweet tooth. Or maybe that’s just a cavity. Either way, we’re trying to think of all the Christmas candies and confectionaries to load our pantry with as the holiday draws closer.
Because it’s pretty much the Wild West out there in Sugarland, the Candy Store created an interactive map that actually shows you the most popular holiday candy in each state in the US.
After surveying 50,000 Candy Store customers, the results were double checked with major candy distributors and then illustrated into the vibrant guide you see above.
There are definitely holiday candies here we never expected to be so popular. Heck, we didn’t even know Reindeer corn was a thing. Check out the map and see what candies made the popular list this year in your state. In the mean time, we’re going to get our candy shopping list ready.