Can the Mediterranean Diet Make You Less Depressed?

Apparently, the science of “healthy fats” and something called BDNF, a protein that controls certain brain functions,  has been linked to mental disorders like schizophrenia and depression. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (like fish and nuts, staples of the Mediterranean diet, which also includes more fresh fruits and veggies than an American diet, and a surplus of beans, whole grains, and olive oil) can make all those BDNF proteins kinda chill out.

There’s also the idea/theory/fact that eating, say, an apple is better for the mind and body than a Big Mac. So, you know. There’s that.

The study itself, however, seems a little sketchy. 96,000 people monitored their diet over the course of a year. At the end of the year, 20,000 people were randomly selected to fill out a PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) survey. Only 9, 255 survey results were included in the final study, and all surveys were self-reported, leaving plenty of room for iffi-ness. Also, and for whatever reason, surveys were given only to black or white non-smoking members of the Advent church living in America, over the age of 35.

The point is if you’re having a rough day, treat yourself to a little lemon pepper fish. You’ll perk right up. Unless you smoke, are non-black or non-white, under 35, and not Adventist. If that’s the case, you’re SOL.

H/T Greatist + PicThx The Berkley Diet

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