Burger Themed Snapback
FOODBEAST is read in Italy! We recently got contacted from someone who works for unotre.com, an Italian lifestlye publication and blog. I couldn’t understand the entire inquiry due to the writer’s broken english, but I did understand that they created a New Era snapback based on their hamburger logo and fast food themed colors. We’re not sure which fast food colors they’re talking about, because the burgundy just doesn’t match up with McDonald’s or Wienerschnitzel. AND I couldn’t understand what the ‘P’ and ‘Nopani’ meant either, but dope hat right? FOODBEAST readers, whose colors are these? I’m pretty sure Italians are just head over heals for the Washington Redskins.
Pretty sweet digs, although the hat will cost you 35 Euros or around $47.95. Pick it up here.