Burger King Is Offering Up 100 Chicken Nuggets For $10 Via Postmates

Burger King is offering up one of the largest nuggets orders in fast food at an absolute bargain. This week, they’ve got a deal running that’ll get you 100 of them for a cool ten bucks.
Photo courtesy of Burger King
Starting October 11th, you’ll be able to score the deal when ordering from Burger King on Postmates. It also comes with free delivery, guaranteeing that you are paying the $10 for 100 and nothing more. Use the code “NUGGS” at checkout to get the delivery discount.
Burger King is using the 100 nuggets deal as a way to promote their newest nuggets price slash. At stores nationwide at the same time, the cost of 10 nuggets will drop to just a dollar.
While the entire nation will get the dollar nuggets pricing, only three cities will be able to score the Postmates deal: Los Angeles, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale. The nationwide discount is permanent, though, whereas the 100 nuggets delivery will only go through midnight on October 14th.
Still, anyone nationwide can get the 100 nuggets for $10, even if they’re not in one of the three cities getting the Postmates treatment. You just have to ask for 100 nuggets when rolling through a Burger King, as it’ll end up being the same price.