Bring 5 of Your Favorite Sci-Fi Drinks to Life This Halloween With These Recipes

No matter what species or planet you call your own (or dress up as this Halloween), you can’t get through a dystopian society without some serious alcohol. From the Twelve Colonies to Galifrey, these drinks really take the edge off kicking ass and taking names.
Firefly – Mudder’s Milk
Photo: Cheese Magnet
The idea of Jayne Cobb being a hero might not sit right with you, but this concoction from one of the more memorable Firefly episodes… well, it might not sit right either.
Meant to serve as a meal replacement and a temporary escape from a hard-knock life, this cocktail better suits a rough Tuesday than a party.
- 2-3 Shots of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey
- 1/2 Cup Milk
- 1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
- 1 Banana
- 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
- 1/4 Cup Oatmeal
- Honey and Cinnamon to taste
- Ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until consistency is smooth.
Doctor Who – The Master
Photo: weeatfilms
If you’re feeling particularly villainous, this cocktail version of the Doctor’s oldest frenemy is charismatic and deceitfully sweet. Watch the intake or, the next day, you’ll hear the drumming too.
- 1 oz. Dark Rum
- 1 oz. Crème de Cacao
- 1-2 dashes Angostura Bitters
- 4 oz. Coca-Cola
Combine the rum, liqueur, and bitters in a shaker over ice. Pour into a glass and top with cola.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
Photo: Life on the Eggship
Although you can’t find all the ingredients for this cocktail on Earth, a pervasive death wish hasn’t stopped us from trying. Proceed with caution.
- ½ oz gin
- ½ oz light rum
- ½ oz vodka
- ½ oz tequila
- 1 oz creme de menthe liqueur
- 1 oz curacao liqueur
- 1 oz Galliano
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 1 olive
Combine all the booze and ice in a blender. Cover, and blend until slushy. Pour into a glass and garnish with an olive. Preemptively call an ambulance.
Battlestar Galactica – Ambrosia
Photo: Pinterest
This prison-born elixir might not be the classiest drink, but when you’re running from hostile Cylons, you’re not too picky. So say we all!
- 6 oz Midori
- 4 oz Blue Curacao
- 2 oz lime juice
- ½ cup of ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend. Optional: garnish with a stemmed cherry.
Star Trek – Romulan Ale
Photo: The Trek BBS
The Federation’s version of absinthe, Romulan Ale is known as an instant drunk. There’s a reason it’s illegal.
- 375 ml Vodka
- 375 ml Blue Curacao
- 375 ml Everclear
Combine ingredients in a 1.25 liter bottle. Chill in freezer for two hours. Serve in shot glasses.