Blue Ribbon Doubled The Fried Chicken And Cheese In Their New Sandwich

If you’re a fan of the crispy bite of fried chicken, accompanied by that gentle squirt of juice that follows, you’re gonna want to try this new sandwich. Known best for their exceptional fried chicken sandwiches,Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken just released a new item for the month of September that continues their deserved reputation.
Meet the Panino Supremo, a take on the classic Italian Chicken Parmesan.
The Panino Supremo consists of two pieces of Blue Ribbon Fried chicken resting cozily between mozzarella and tomato sauce. The massive sandwich is then thrown in the oven to ensure the cheese is nice and melty.
You can get one at both New York City and Las Vegas Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken locations for $8.99. Just brace yourself for all the real estate it will take up in your mouth.