Boxxle Gives Boxed Wine a Classy Makeover

If you’ve ever made fun of boxed wine — while you’re not alone — shame on you! Did you know that boxed wine stays fresh up to six weeks? Or that its more environmentally conscious than bottled wine? Or you will never have to fear cork taint (yes, its a thing)? Well, now with Boxxle, a premium bag-in-box wine dispenser, you can drink your boxed wine with pride.
Boxxle recently released its 3-liter premium wine dispenser in two new colors: white (blanc) and red (rouge) with stainless steel accents. The new colors join the original black in its three-color lineup. Boxxle gives wine lovers a new way to dispense and enjoy boxed wine — elevating it above the rim of the glass for easy pouring. The dispenser, which compresses the bag and keeps air out, is designed to rest on a countertop, bar or table.
And Boxxle, which retails for $99, isn’t just for bottled wine. For those who are still into bottled wine, it also ships with three 3-liter wine preserve bags, which store up to four bottles of wine per bag. It also works great for iced tea, mixed drinks, cocktails and chilled shots, like tequila, Fireball and Jägermeister.