Sneaky ‘Soda’ Beer Koozie Will Make You Feel Like a Drunk Ninja

Summer is right around the corner which means BBQ’s, beach parties . . . and basically any excuse to be out in the sun enjoying a cold one. Unfortunately, society frowns upon drinking in public places (well, in California at least), but with a quick sleight of hand you can get your buzz on without anyone being the wiser.

These Soda Can Beer Koozies were obviously designed to make the average man feel like a beer ninja. Much more stylish than a brown paper bag, these sleeves are made from a real coke can, making your brewski that much more undetectable from that lifeguard side-eyeing you at the beach. I see you, beach boy.

These fancy sleeves are available to purchase online or, if you want to save a few bucks, you can attempt this DIY version. Just make sure not you’re not drunk on “Coca-Cola’s” since this project requires a box cutter and a steady hand. As we saw earlier this week, even sober, getting the top off a can isn’t that easy.

Beer Can Cover Sleeves $4 @ebay

H/T + PicThx FWF 

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