Blaze Pizza Cancels Annual Pi-Day Deal Due To Coronavirus

It has become tradition at Blaze Pizza to sell its personal-sized pizzas for $3.14 every March 14.
The day itself is known nationally as “Pi-Day” and Blaze takes advantage by selling its pies for cheap.
However, with recent fears over the spread of the coronavirus, and recommendations to stay away from large crowds, Blaze has decided not to go forward with its usual in-store “Pi-Day” deal.
It is not unusual for huge lines to form for this day, as a $3 pizza is pretty solid compared to its usual $8-$10.
Fans will still get a chance to celebrate, though, as those who use the Blaze Pizza app will automatically have $3.14 added to their account, starting March 16. In order to get the reward, you will have to have the app downloaded and the account created by 11:59 p.m., Sunday March 15.
Is it the same as getting a whole pie for that price? No, but it is something.
Hopefully by this time next year, things will go back to normal, and we can all enjoy our usual Pi-Day discount.