You Can Get Glow-In-The-Dark Donuts At This Australian Festival

These donuts were meant to be eaten in the dark.

Australian bake shop Black Star Pastry has invented a neon donut glaze that allows the treat to glow under black lights. While it’s currently only being offered out of their pop-up in Sydney for the Vivid Festival, the “Glownuts” have already gained some major traction.

The Glownuts inventor, Christopher Thé, told DailyMail that the donuts were created specifically for the festival, which is known for vibrant light shows and kaleidoscopic neon creations. To get them to glow, he utilizes a special yuzu glaze that has a large amount of B vitamins in it. The B vitamins naturally glow a radiant yellow under black lights, causing them to gain a radioactive hue at black-lit spots like the Vivid Festival.

Tried our newest creation yet? The GLOWNUT – glow in the dark doughnuts. Only at our @vividsydney pop-up in Martin Place.

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If you want to get a hand on one of these donuts, you have until June 17 when the festival (and the Black Star Pastry pop-up) ends. From there, it’s not clear yet as to whether Black Star will continue to offer the Glownuts. Maybe they will, or maybe the pastry shop will be responsible for the launch of a thousand imitators. Who knows?

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