Birthday Cake Oreo Truffles

Marriage, like the elevator business, has its ups and downs (high-oh). Some days you might have to remind yourself that you chose to marry him or her. And then there are those magical times when you just know that your spouse was meant for you. Today was one of those days. I was in the process of crumbling up Birthday Cake Oreos in the food processor when my other mentioned how I should use less cream cheese this time around. Then he asked me a question second only to “Will you marry me?” He said, “Why not use frosting?” Yes, I do. I mean, I will.

Duh! Why didn’t I think of that? They are Birthday Cake Oreos!  Mere cream cheese is just will not do this time around. I had a can of fluffy white frosting in the pantry (vanilla is lame), so I put my cream cheese back in the fridge for another day.

Birthday Cake Oreo Truffles


  • about 2/3rds of a package of Birthday Cake Oreos (1 1/2c crumbled)
  • 4oz Fluffy White Frosting
  • white chocolate bark


  1. Crumble Oreo cookies in food processor.
  2. Add in frosting and combine.
  3. Scoop into 2t balls and let set up in fridge for just a bit.
  4. Melt chocolate bark and coat truffles.
  5. Return to fridge to set.

Using the white frosting definitely allowed the chocolate-y and cake-y flavor of the Oreo to shine through. Much better than cream cheese in this instance, which at times can be overwhelming. We’ll see if I go back to the original recipe or continue to mix things up for another flavor combo, but as for Birthday Cake Oreos, frosting is the way to go.

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