Birthday Cake Oreo Cake Batter Blondies

I know, I know, I totally just used Birthday Cake Oreos to make truffles a couple of weeks ago, and here I am using them again. But what’s better than cake-flavored things? Cake-flavored things with cake-flavored things inside of them, that’s what. Plus, these Birthday Cake Oreos are only available for so long, so I have to pack in the recipes while I can.

I snagged the blondie recipe from Girl Meets Life, and I just threw in some extra goodness.

Birthday Cake Oreo Cake Batter Blondies


  • 1 box yellow cake mix
  • 1/4c canola oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2c milk
  • 1/4c rainbow sprinkles
  • 1/2c white chocolate chips
  • 2 sleeves Birthday Cake Oreo Cookies, coarsely chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine the cake mix and sprinkles in a large bowl.
  3. Mix oil and egg, and then combine with cake mix.
  4. Add the milk slowly just until the batter is combined. You want it to remain as dense as possible, so you may not need to use the entire 1/2 cup of milk.
  5. Mix in white chocolate chips and chopped Oreo cookies.
  6. Spread batter in a greased 8×8 pan or your fabulously awesome Edge Brownie Pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or just until the edges turn golden.
  7. Let cool for 20 minutes.

You kind of under bake the middle of these suckers, so waiting until they have cooled before you cut them will help them stay together.

While I’d love to sit here and describe, in detail, the awesomeness of  these blondies, there are still a couple left downstairs, so I’ve got somewhere to be.

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