We’re no strangers to pressing leftover fast food here at Foodbeast as we’ve grown to be pretty handy with a waffle maker, but Oh, Bite It took that concept and panini’d it.
Amy Erickson at Oh, Bite It took home a Big Mac and pressed the hell out of it with a panini maker.
Not much instruction here, just press it until the bread is toasty and the cheese is gooey.
If you want it Monkey Style, throw in some fries before you press it.
Of course, you can do this with a delicious In-N-Out Double Double, a Shake Shack burger, or even make your own cheeseburger at home and apply the same concept. It’s the concept that counts, not so much the burger.
So if you’re going to leave violent comments about McDonald’s and how much you hate it, have at it, but also know that you can do this with most burgers and receive optimal results.