Beyoncé Fans Mistakenly Terrorize Celebrity Chef Rachael Ray Over Jay Z’s Alleged Rachel Roy Affair

Beyoncé fans are terrorizing Food Network’s celebrity chef Rachael Ray on social media after mistaking her for fashion designer Rachel Roy.
Bey’s fans have been bashing on Ray’s cooking and accusing her of serving steak salads and burgers to Jay Z. One user, Jeanse Broy, wrote on a photo of Ray’s slow cooked beef sandwich:
“I see what you’re doing posting that chili on Instagram you homewrecker.”
Over the weekend, Beyoncé released her visual album “Lemonade” on HBO that some have speculated to be about Jay Z cheating with the ex-wife of his former best friend and business partner Damon Dash.
“Lemonade” included videos for 12 of its 13 songs and powerful lyrics that touched upon subjects of infidelity, love, family and empowerment. Her spoken words had fans wondering if her husband Jay Z had been unfaithful to his wife. In her song “Sorry” Beyonce’s lyrics stated:
“He only want me when I’m not on there/ He better call Becky with the good hair.”
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The person “Becky with the good hair” is allegedly in reference to fashion designer Rachel Roy, who is rumored to have been the cause of the infamous elevator confrontation between Jay Z and Beyonce’s sister, Solange Knowles, in 2014.
According to Rachel Roy, upon the album’s release, Roy posted a photo of herself and her friends on Instagram that has since been taken down with the caption:
“Good hair don’t care, but we will take good lighting, for selfies, or self truths, always. Live in the light #nodramaqueens.”
Now Bey’s army of loyal fans are on the attack and mistakenly terrorizing Rachael Ray who they have mistaken for Rachel Roy.
Written by Laura Dang, NextShark