Bella Italia Mushroom Ravioli [OUR LOOK]

Bella Italia Mushroom Ravioli is an entree that was made famous through Stephanie Meyer’s, Twilight Saga. The dish was originally a special item on the menu of remote Bella Italia Restaurant in Port of Los Angeles, Washington when Meyer was inspired to write the scene where Edward and Bella went on their first date. Because many of us aren’t as lucky as Bella to be romantically involved with a 100 year old vampire that glitters in the sun, Bella Italia Restaurant lets us live vicariously through her by bringing the frozen version of their famous Mushroom Ravioli to our local markets.

Straight out of the box…

7 minutes in the microwave…and we get ravioli soup?

I couldn’t bare to eat it out of the container —

So was it good? I would say it was decent…It didn’t hit the spot, but it was fair. The dish had a good earthy mushroom flavor in the sauce and filling, however, the béchamel was on the bland side. I guess white and pasty just isn’t my thing($10.99 MSRP)

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