Behold: Foodbeast Tries the ‘Hangover-Preventing’ Martini

If I was to go up to you on a Friday night with a miracle “hangover-preventing” martini, you’d probably think I was trying to drug you, or that I was full of sh*t. If you didn’t, I greatly fear for your safety.

Here’s why you should probably fear for ours. A couple of weeks back, we were pitched a story of a special hangover-preventing martini made exclusively with vodka and Spartos protein water. We weren’t given many details beyond that – no information about the science behind the whole thing – but it didn’t take more than a minute for us to say, “Sure, sign us up!”

Long story short, we decided to spend a whole day drunk to see if by we had headaches by the end of it, or if the whole “hangover-prevention” thing actually worked. It’s the end of the day now and I’ve had at least two shots of vodka, a nutella martini, a glass of champagne and two shots of whiskey, and I feel surprisingly okay. Granted, I also feel like there’s almost no way you can drink half of bottle of vitamin-infused water and still be hungover – but you know what they say about the power of suggestion: it’d probably taste better if it didn’t come in the form of a martini made with vitamin-infused water.

It didn’t taste bad per se, but it’d probably be nicer if it didn’t taste so damn healthy.






The Jackfruit Spartos Hangover-Preventing Martini

  • 2 parts Spartos Sugar Free Jackfruit + Watermelon
  • 1 part light vodka
  • Stir, do not shake
  • Strawberry garnish (optional)

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