Beertone – Beer Swatches for Color-Conscious Beer Snobs

Check out the Beertone (named for the color guide, Pantone). This is like one of those paint swatches, except that instead of helping you paint the accent wall in your kitchen, it helps you choose your beer. Creators Alexander Michelbach and Daniel Eugster put together a flip book of more than 200 beers (on the original Swiss edition). Each tab, aside from moving down the gradients in color from light to dark beers, includes the name, brewery, description, and of course, color of the beer, depicted in RGB, CMYK and others.


In my head, I’m flipping through the book and finding a color I like, then demanding a beer that exactly matches the tab. Although, I think that’s using it backwards. To each her own, I guess.

Anyway, a Beertone booklet (perfect, says the website, for people who like beer, colors, or both) will run you $39.00 direct from the website.

I want one for coffee and espresso drinks. Oh, please, someone, make one for coffee and espresso drinks.

H/T Design Taxi

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